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Prag - historische Stadt

Prague is the capital city of the Czech Republic, the city of one hundred towers, several bridges over the Vltava River and countless valuable cultural and historical treasures.

The city, which is rightfully referred to as one of the most beautiful in the world, is the mother of cities. Whether Prague is called the golden city or city of one hundred towers, it is challenging to select one attribute that best portrays all the splendours the city has to offer.

The four residential quarters dating back to the Middle Ages, are the most valuable parts of Prague; the Old Town (Staré Město), the New Town (Nové Město), the Lesser Town (Malá Strana) and the Castle area (Hradčany). Together, these quarters create the historical centre of Prague and are also considered to be national heritage monuments, listed as members of the international cultural heritage organisation UNESCO. The history of Prague has been recorded for over 1100 years and its complex development is represented by the several thousands of listed heritage buildings of all architectural styles – Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque or Rococo and likewise buildings from the Art Nouveau and Cubist period.

The historical centre of the capital city of Prague ranks among the most significant monuments of cultural heritage in the world.

Prague is a city of many charms – it has been called Golden Prague, Magic Prague, Prague of a hundred spires, Prague – mother of towns, and served inspiration to generations of writers, poets, and artists. Prague's history dates back to the 9th century. Nowadays it is a lively metropolis where one can still find a strong genius loci (spirit of the place). Prague is home to numerous government institutions and serves as the seat of the national, as well as Central-Bohemian regional government.

If you want to visit some of the Prague's Famous Historical Monuments don’t miss

See our list of Pragues hotel in a city centre, so you can reach Pragues historic monuments in a walking distance from your prague hotel.


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