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Hotel Donatello


Hotel Donatello is nice family run Hotel. Hotel is situated in the city center on a small quiet street. The building, which now houses the Donatello Hotel, was built at the end of the 14th century. Now, after years, it has been carefully refurbished and restored and it breaths with history and offers romantic and friendly atmosphere and allows you to explore city centre with ease. The Faust's house, St.Ignac church (on the Charles square) are just around the corner and Wenceslav square, The Vltava river, with nice coffees and restaurants offering spectacular view to Hradcany, are just few blocks from the hotel. The Old Town square and Charles bridge can be easily reached on the walk as well. The Donatello hotel is surrounded by coffees, restaurants, casinos, clubs etc. and it is convenient to public transportation, with tram and Metro stops. The hotel appeals to touring visitors who value style on-par with friendly and romantic atmosphere.

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Typ pokoje10.02.202511.02.202512.02.202513.02.2025
Jednolůžkový pokojN/AN/AN/AN/A
Dvoulůžkový pokojN/AN/AN/AN/A
Třílůžkový pokojN/AN/AN/AN/A
Apartmán (2+2)N/AN/AN/AN/A
Apartmán (2+3)N/AN/AN/AN/A


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Vybavení hotelu:
24 hodin 24 hodin
Bar Bar
Psi povoleny Psi povoleny
Internet Internet
Trezor Trezor
Telefon & Fax Telefon & Fax

Vybavení pokoje:
Psi povoleny Psi povoleny
Vysoušeč vlasů Vysoušeč vlasů
Internet Internet
Minibar Minibar
Trezor Trezor
Telefon Telefon


Hotel Donatello

Hotel Donatello

Hotel Donatello

Hotel Donatello

Hotel Donatello


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