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Tjekkisk Holidays


What time zone is the Czech Republic in? What’s the weather like? When are the state holidays? How late are shops open? Here are some answers to these basic questions, as well as a few Czech phrases to help you on your way.

When is the best time of year to visit the Czech Republic?

The months of April and October are interim periods for sightseeing, when you can enjoy a more peaceful atmosphere, but you should also expect cooler weather, often around 10°C. If you wish to visit in winter, you should expect that some will be closed (you should check opening hours in advance). On the other hand, you will be able to contemplate in a quiet winter landscape, and if you are lucky enough to see the countryside clad with snow, sparkling in the sun, you will be charmed.

July and August are months of school holidays and vacations and the number of visitors is much higher, but interiors of castles offer a pleasant respite from the hot summer sun, when temperatures often rise above 30°C.


Sundays, Saturdays and public holidays are days when the majority of authorities and banks are closed; on Sundays and holidays, shops are often closed as well. On the other hand, most restaurants, bars and tourist attractions usually stay open. You should remember that public transportation services are significantly limited on these days, and the intervals are much longer than on working days.

The main school holidays are in summer (July and August). Other holidays are at Christmas (usually December 23–January 3) and in spring (one week, which varies from school to school).

Public holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Easter Monday (late March or early April)
  • Labor Day (May 1)
  • Liberation Day (May 8)
  • Feast Day of St. Cyril and St. Methodius (July 5)
  • Jan Hus Day (July 6)
  • Day of the Czech statehood (September 28)
  • Foundation of the independent Czechoslovak State (October 28)
  • Day of Students’ Fight for Freedom and Democracy (November 17)
  • Christmas (December 24-26)


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