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Prague - a city of culture

The Czech Republic is not only a modern country with good infrastructure, beautiful romantic hotels and an advanced economy, but it is also a country with a rich history, which can offer a really wide choice of cultural opportunities.

The most visible proof of Czech cultural maturity are the works of art that can be seen in theaters, cinemas, concert halls, globally recognized galleries and breweries. The composer Antonín Dvořák, writer Franz Kafka, painter Toyen, Oscar-winning director Miloš Forman, writer Milan Kundera and singer Magdalena Kožená were all born in the Czech Republic, and their work is known around the world. The Czech writer Karel Čapek invented the word robot, in his play RUR.

Prague concert halls

Prague theaters with webpages in other than czech language

Prague galleries and museums

Prague cinemas in city centre with webpages in other than czech language

See our list of Pragues hotel in a city centre, so you can reach Pragues culture spots in a walking distance from your prague hotel. We are also glad to arrange you tickets when you make your hotel booking.


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